Tuesday 27 September 2016

Wednesday Sept. 28th


1. Journal: Happiness
  1. What makes you happy?
  2. Can money by happiness?
2. Listening Activity- If I Had a Million Dollars
       Song Link
       Gap Fill Worksheet - Handout

3. Answer this question in your journal:
       3. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

4. Reading Activity- Handout

5. http://www.ted.com/playlists/206/give_thanks

Extra time: Introduce telephone role-play and practice

Canadian Studies 15
1. Continue working on your research project.

2. Create your visual representation. It can be a poster, infographic etc. It should be something that can be displayed in the class. You can create this by hand, or on the computer. 

3. Work on your presentation. It should be 5-7 mins. Each person in your group will need to speak for part of the time. You can divide the time however you wish.

Extra Activities:
1. Brush up on your grammar: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/grammar.htm
2. Practice your typing: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/tutor/keyboarding.php
3. Try some creative writing: https://storybird.com/

Sunday 25 September 2016

Monday Sept. 26th

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice your presentation
3. Heritage Minutes activity- Today, you are going to be watching some video clips. Watch at least 4 different clips. Then, use your worksheet to answer questions about 1 of the clips. 
4. You are going to sign-up for a province to research. You may work with a partner. You will complete the research and then prepare a poster or infographic to present to the class. Click here for your research outline. Download the file and begin your research. Be sure to save your work to your OneDrive! You may also print the assignment sheet and complete your research by hand. 
Notes about your research: Do not use Wikipedia. Use websites with .gov endings or other scholarly sites!

For example: http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/newcomers/pt/index.asp
Use government websites, such as : http://www.alberta.ca/index.aspx

Monday Sept. 26th

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice your presentation
3. Heritage Minutes activity- Today, you are going to be watching some video clips. Watch at least 4 different clips. Then, use your worksheet to answer questions about 1 of the clips. 
4. You are going to sign-up for a province to research. You may work with a partner. You will complete the research and then prepare a poster or infographic to present to the class. Click here for your research outline. Download the file and begin your research. Be sure to save your work to your OneDrive! You may also print the assignment sheet and complete your research by hand. 
Notes about your research: Do not use Wikipedia. Use websites with .gov endings or other scholarly sites! For example: http://www.cic.gc.ca/English/newcomers/pt/index.asp

Monday 19 September 2016

Heritage Minutes

Make sure you check the back of your assignment sheet. You are required to practice your presentation many times!

When you have completed your famous Canadian presentation, try out this listening activity.

1. Heritage Minutes: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize for a partner.Heritage Minutes.
2. Work on other homework
3. Brush up on your grammar: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/grammar.htm
4. Practice your typing: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/tutor/keyboarding.php

Thursday 15 September 2016

Canadian Studies- Assignment #1

Famous Canadian Assignment:

Here is a digital link to you assignment directions: Famous Canadian Assignment

Here is one helpful website to help you find information: 
Famous Canadians. You can select the genre that interests you Ex) Artists.  After you click on Artists it will list many Canadians to choose from as well as websites about this person. 

Another way to find information on your chosen person is to put their name and biography into the search bar.  Example:  “John McCrae biography”.  This will give you some good info on John McCrae.  When you are looking for a quote from your chosen person put their name and quote into the search bar.  Example:  “John McCrae quote”.  For accomplishments type in the search bar “John McCrae accomplishments”.

Happy searching! 


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