Wednesday 26 October 2016

October 26th Canadian Studies

1. Those working on presentations for Friday, continue to do so! Remember your audience is a grade 3/4 class.

2. Today you will begin to write an opinion paragraph about your position on the bill. Here is a link to the bill if you do not have your paper copy. Include the following information:
What is your position on the bill? Do you support or oppose it?
Why do you support or oppose the bill? Give at least three strong reasons.
What do you think is a reasonable policy for schools? Conclude your paragraph with a suggestion.
**Please type your paragraph and create an outline before you begin!**

Monday 24 October 2016

Good afternoon! I have some testing to finish up today while you work. This will not take the whole class period, but while I am testing students, please follow the directions below:

Canadian Studies: Please continue your work on the parliament webquest.

ESL: Please continue your article summary if you have not finished it yet. Then, please move on to the following task Health and Wellness Exploration- Food.

Happy Monday!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

ESL Oct. 19th

Welcome to class! I will be pulling students out for speaking assessments while you work on the following activities: 

A. Article Summary Assignment:1. Open this link: Save the document to your desktop3. Complete the assignment4. Share the document with me via e-mail or OneDrive

B. Dictation Practice: 
1. Start with short dictations and move up. A= Listen B= Listen and type C=Listen and Check. Then click 'show' to read and check.

C. Homework

Canadian Studies- Oct. 19th

Today you are going to be completing several online activities while I pull out students for speaking assessments. Please do the first three activities in order, then the next activities in any order you choose! Thank you for your hard work and cooperation today!

1. Read the following document: Our Country. Our Parliament.
2. Download and complete the webquest: Our Government Webquest
3. Heritage Minute Listening: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize using the handout provided. When you have finished, share your summary with a  partner.Heritage Minutes.

4. Work on other homework
5. Brush up on your grammar:
6. Practice your typing:

Monday 3 October 2016

Monday Oct. 3rd

Canadian Studies 15

1. Continue working on your research project.

2. Create your visual representation. It can be a poster, infographic etc. You can create this by hand, or on the computer. 

3. Work on your presentation. It should be 5-7 mins. Each person in your group will need to speak for part of the time. You can divide the time however you wish.

4. Thursday we will have our final map/spelling quiz on Canadian provinces and territories. You will need to locate each province, territory, and capital city. You will also need to spell each correctly. Practice here: 2. Practice your mapping skills:

Extra Activities:
3. Try some creative writing:

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