Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vocabulary Builder- Canadian Studies

You have each been given a word. Please follow the direction below:
  1. Define: Using an online or print dictionary, choose and record the best definition for your word.
  2. Forms: What part of speech is the word. What other forms can it take? What parts of speech are they?
  3. Example: Give an example sentence using the word.
  4. Illustrate: Create a visual representation of the word.
Finally, you will teach your word to the class.

Here are the words:

  1. Mercantilism
  2. Colonization
  3. Imperialism
  4. Monopoly
  5. Coexist
  6. Assimilation
  7. Ethnocentrism
  8. Colony
  9. Treaty

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Skills Practice

Today you will be working on practicing some skills:

2. Reading:
3. Read 180- Open Student Drive. Click on Digital Resources. Click on Read 180.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Applied Digital Skills with Google

Today we will be exploring a new way to learn, Applied Digital Skills with Google:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Sign In," and sign in with their Google account
  3. Select "I am a learner"
  4. Enter class code 48geese
  5. Put on headphones and watch the first video

Sunday 5 November 2017

Career Explorations Project

We have just heard from 17 people working in different careers in Lethbridge and area. We have also  had discussions and written a journal entry reflecting on the speakers. Today you will dig deeper into this topic by researching a career you think you  may be interested in.

Here are the questions you will use to guide your research: Please download the file and save yourself a copy to edit in Word Online: Career Explorations Assignment 

Here are some helpful websites:

At the end of your research, you will share the information with the class in one of the following formats:
1. A video presentation (mock interview, news report, etc).
2. A one page summary info-graphic
3. A format of your choosing *You may not choose PowerPoint


If you aren't sure which career interests you, you can check out this website:

1. Sign up for the website
2. Work through the activities
3. When you have finished. You can summarize the information in a short report (video,audio, or written.) In the report, share what you've learned about yourself from the activities.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Indigenous Groups in Canada- Research Project Day 1

Here is the first page of links for your research. With you partner, use the sites on the link below to help start your research. You may use additional sites as well, but be sure they are reliable.

For Part 1 of your project, you will be looking at one of the above Indigenous groups in Canada. Please look for the following:

1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Transportation
4. Housing
5. Spiritual Beliefs and Traditions

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