Thursday 15 February 2018

February Practice


2. Enter class code U73ER7
3. Default password is 1234
Note: You can change their passwords when they log in or see me if you need it reset.


Monday 5 February 2018

Extremes of Nature

Hi everyone! I'm sorry not to be there today. I hope I will be feeling better tomorrow! Please be amazing to our guest teacher.

Today we are starting our new unit: Extremes of Nature. We are going to be talking about extreme weather/natural events, as well as people and animals that are able to survive under extreme circumstances.

A. In your small group, Discuss:

1. Have you experienced extremes of nature before? Share a story if you are comfortable doing so.
2. Do you remember what your first blizzard experience was like? Describe it!
3. Share some of the most extreme places you've been: hottest, coldest, windiest, saltiest, etc.
4. What do you think we can learn from the extremes of nature?

B. Now, for 15 minutes, try to write in your journal about the topic above. Try to write constantly and for the whole time frame! Please provide a lot of detail. Think about the 5 senses when describing events. What did you see, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc.

C. Research a recent news article on an extreme of nature. Scan the article and use this link to take some notes about the article.  Remember that with scanning, you don't have to read the entire article!

Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...