Monday 19 December 2016

Dec. 20th

1. Resume writing workshop! If you have a resume, please open it and get ready to edit!
2. Homework- Catch up on your assignments before the break.
3. Check out the following sites:

1.My Work Quest: 

2. Career Insite. Explore the site starting with the 'Know Yourself' section! Take the quizzes to help you explore your skills and interests.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Dec. 9th Class

Canadian Studies

1. You will be working on your political party research project. Please use the following site to create your one page summary for the class:

Don't forget, you are responsible for the learning of your classmates! Do a thorough job of your research! Assignment Directions:

This site is also helpful:

2. Finish your Lethbridge project slides and Practice your part!

3. When you are finished:

A. Adverbs:

B. General Grammar Practice:

C. Read a book!


Tuesday 6 December 2016

Dec. 6 Class Directions


1. Visit this site to review the difference between fact and opinion:

2. Open this assignment link: Download the assignment as a Word file. Choose an invention and use the internet to help you research the answers. Do not use the internet to write the opinion paragraph. I want your opinion only!

3. Homework OR English Games:

Canadian Studies
1. PDF-
2. Audio-

Wednesday 30 November 2016

E.S.L Nov.30

1. Lesson:

2. Audio:

Site Link:

Canadian Studies Nov. 30th

Today you are going to begin working on a presentation about the city of Lethbridge. You will be presenting this information to students in Edmonton. Please open this link for assignment directions. I have already assigned groups and topics. Please do not change your groups. If your partner is absent, you can start working on the project alone or team up with another student who has an absent partner.

When you have finished working on your slides, you should practice the verbal part of your presentation. You should use point form and simple sentences on your slides, but expand on your ideas verbally. Each person in your group should prepare to talk about one of the slides.

Please also take 10 minutes to check out this site to help you review for your Canadian government pop quiz.

1. Presentation Work:
-Slide Creation
-Verbal Practice

2. Canadian Government Review:

Thursday 24 November 2016

Nov. 24th Canadian Studies 15

1. Finish your essay if needed. This was due last week and no further class time will be provided.

2. Canadian Current Events Assignment: You will be searching for an article on a Canadian current event. Click here for assignment directions:

Sunday 20 November 2016

Nov. 22nd- Canadian Studies

1. Heritage Minute Listening: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize using the handout provided. When you have finished, share your summary with a  partner.
Here is the Heritage Minutes website.
Use this form to complete your summary. You can type it out or print it and write it out. I will collect these summaries for marks on Wednesday. Summary Assignment. 

2. Citizenship Practice tests. Whether you are a citizen or not, this practice is for fun and to check your general knowledge about Canada. :) Try a few of the practice exams.

Nov. 22nd- E.S.L

Audio Link:
Lesson link:

Site link: CBC Learning English

Nov. 22- English 9

Use this information to sign up for my classroom on StoryBoardThat: 
Sign up Url
School/Teacher Nametarynrodzinyak
Access Keylaw8547

You will then be able to access the assignment template. You are going to choose a film or novel you know well. Please create a Storyboard showing the key stages of The Hero's Journey as outlined in the template given. You should include detailed images and a short description with each panel. I have described each stage in the lower box to help you. You will replace this information with your own description of how this stage is shown in your film/novel. I've attached an image of the template below for your reference or in case you cannot access my tempalate for some reason.
If you need a refresher on The Hero's Journey, here is the clip we watched on Thursday:
I hope to able to have you share these projects in class on Thursday! Good luck and have fun! Thursday we will also begin our essay outline assignment. 
Here is an example: 

Monday 14 November 2016

Nov. 14th and 15th Classes

1. Continue Work on your essay. Please do your self-edit and peer edit on your rough draft in pen. Please come and get an editing checklist! 

Mini-lesson: Transitions and Introductions!

2. Heritage Minute Listening: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize using the handout provided. When you have finished, share your summary with a  partner.
Heritage Minutes website.
Summary Assignment. 

3. Homework 

4. 3. Brush up on your grammar:

Friday 4 November 2016

E.S.L Nov. 4

1. Dictation Practice: -Start with short dictations and move up. A= Listen B= Listen and type C=Listen and Check. Then click 'show' to read and check.
2. Please move on to the following task Health and Wellness Exploration- Food after you complete 20 minutes of dictation. You may also use the time for homework if needed. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

November 3rd Canadian Studies

Welcome to class!

Please continue working on your essay. You must complete your outline and have it checked by Mr. Bore before starting on your rough draft. Here is the assignment link in case you have misplaced your copy: Bill C-99 Essay Assignment

Here is a link to the bill itself:

You may type your rough draft, but will need to print it before the editing stage.
Once your rough draft is complete, begin your self-edit using the checklist and pen provided.

You should be able to complete your rough draft and possibly your self-edit this class. I will be checking for this on Monday. You will have some time tomorrow as well.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

October 26th Canadian Studies

1. Those working on presentations for Friday, continue to do so! Remember your audience is a grade 3/4 class.

2. Today you will begin to write an opinion paragraph about your position on the bill. Here is a link to the bill if you do not have your paper copy. Include the following information:
What is your position on the bill? Do you support or oppose it?
Why do you support or oppose the bill? Give at least three strong reasons.
What do you think is a reasonable policy for schools? Conclude your paragraph with a suggestion.
**Please type your paragraph and create an outline before you begin!**

Monday 24 October 2016

Good afternoon! I have some testing to finish up today while you work. This will not take the whole class period, but while I am testing students, please follow the directions below:

Canadian Studies: Please continue your work on the parliament webquest.

ESL: Please continue your article summary if you have not finished it yet. Then, please move on to the following task Health and Wellness Exploration- Food.

Happy Monday!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

ESL Oct. 19th

Welcome to class! I will be pulling students out for speaking assessments while you work on the following activities: 

A. Article Summary Assignment:1. Open this link: Save the document to your desktop3. Complete the assignment4. Share the document with me via e-mail or OneDrive

B. Dictation Practice: 
1. Start with short dictations and move up. A= Listen B= Listen and type C=Listen and Check. Then click 'show' to read and check.

C. Homework

Canadian Studies- Oct. 19th

Today you are going to be completing several online activities while I pull out students for speaking assessments. Please do the first three activities in order, then the next activities in any order you choose! Thank you for your hard work and cooperation today!

1. Read the following document: Our Country. Our Parliament.
2. Download and complete the webquest: Our Government Webquest
3. Heritage Minute Listening: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize using the handout provided. When you have finished, share your summary with a  partner.Heritage Minutes.

4. Work on other homework
5. Brush up on your grammar:
6. Practice your typing:

Monday 3 October 2016

Monday Oct. 3rd

Canadian Studies 15

1. Continue working on your research project.

2. Create your visual representation. It can be a poster, infographic etc. You can create this by hand, or on the computer. 

3. Work on your presentation. It should be 5-7 mins. Each person in your group will need to speak for part of the time. You can divide the time however you wish.

4. Thursday we will have our final map/spelling quiz on Canadian provinces and territories. You will need to locate each province, territory, and capital city. You will also need to spell each correctly. Practice here: 2. Practice your mapping skills:

Extra Activities:
3. Try some creative writing:

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Wednesday Sept. 28th


1. Journal: Happiness
  1. What makes you happy?
  2. Can money by happiness?
2. Listening Activity- If I Had a Million Dollars
       Song Link
       Gap Fill Worksheet - Handout

3. Answer this question in your journal:
       3. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

4. Reading Activity- Handout


Extra time: Introduce telephone role-play and practice

Canadian Studies 15
1. Continue working on your research project.

2. Create your visual representation. It can be a poster, infographic etc. It should be something that can be displayed in the class. You can create this by hand, or on the computer. 

3. Work on your presentation. It should be 5-7 mins. Each person in your group will need to speak for part of the time. You can divide the time however you wish.

Extra Activities:
1. Brush up on your grammar:
2. Practice your typing:
3. Try some creative writing:

Sunday 25 September 2016

Monday Sept. 26th

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice your presentation
3. Heritage Minutes activity- Today, you are going to be watching some video clips. Watch at least 4 different clips. Then, use your worksheet to answer questions about 1 of the clips.
4. You are going to sign-up for a province to research. You may work with a partner. You will complete the research and then prepare a poster or infographic to present to the class. Click here for your research outline. Download the file and begin your research. Be sure to save your work to your OneDrive! You may also print the assignment sheet and complete your research by hand. 
Notes about your research: Do not use Wikipedia. Use websites with .gov endings or other scholarly sites!

For example:
Use government websites, such as :

Monday Sept. 26th

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice your presentation
3. Heritage Minutes activity- Today, you are going to be watching some video clips. Watch at least 4 different clips. Then, use your worksheet to answer questions about 1 of the clips.
4. You are going to sign-up for a province to research. You may work with a partner. You will complete the research and then prepare a poster or infographic to present to the class. Click here for your research outline. Download the file and begin your research. Be sure to save your work to your OneDrive! You may also print the assignment sheet and complete your research by hand. 
Notes about your research: Do not use Wikipedia. Use websites with .gov endings or other scholarly sites! For example:

Monday 19 September 2016

Heritage Minutes

Make sure you check the back of your assignment sheet. You are required to practice your presentation many times!

When you have completed your famous Canadian presentation, try out this listening activity.

1. Heritage Minutes: Visit this site to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history. You will watch several clips, then choose one to summarize for a partner.Heritage Minutes.
2. Work on other homework
3. Brush up on your grammar:
4. Practice your typing:

Thursday 15 September 2016

Canadian Studies- Assignment #1

Famous Canadian Assignment:

Here is a digital link to you assignment directions: Famous Canadian Assignment

Here is one helpful website to help you find information: 
Famous Canadians. You can select the genre that interests you Ex) Artists.  After you click on Artists it will list many Canadians to choose from as well as websites about this person. 

Another way to find information on your chosen person is to put their name and biography into the search bar.  Example:  “John McCrae biography”.  This will give you some good info on John McCrae.  When you are looking for a quote from your chosen person put their name and quote into the search bar.  Example:  “John McCrae quote”.  For accomplishments type in the search bar “John McCrae accomplishments”.

Happy searching! 


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