Wednesday 30 November 2016

Canadian Studies Nov. 30th

Today you are going to begin working on a presentation about the city of Lethbridge. You will be presenting this information to students in Edmonton. Please open this link for assignment directions. I have already assigned groups and topics. Please do not change your groups. If your partner is absent, you can start working on the project alone or team up with another student who has an absent partner.

When you have finished working on your slides, you should practice the verbal part of your presentation. You should use point form and simple sentences on your slides, but expand on your ideas verbally. Each person in your group should prepare to talk about one of the slides.

Please also take 10 minutes to check out this site to help you review for your Canadian government pop quiz.

1. Presentation Work:
-Slide Creation
-Verbal Practice

2. Canadian Government Review:

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Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...