Monday 16 October 2017

Canadian Studies- Oct. 17th

1. Finish and print your article summary. We will be going through these as a class on Thursday- you will be sharing your summary and vocabulary words with a small group. For instructions on this assignment, see the previous blog post.

2. Canada's Government- Review and Expansion- Make your way through the website.  Be sure to read each section and try out the accompanying activities. When you have gone through all of the readings and activities, you will create visual representation of what you have learned. This can be a graphic organizer/info-graphic style visual, short page of notes, picture, or anything else that helps summarize the content from today's reading. You make alone or in pairs to create your visual. You will share your visual in class TOMORROW.

3. Homework or Independent Reading

On Tuesday, you will have a quiz on Canadian government. For the quiz, you should know:

Who is the prime minister of Canada?
Who is the premier of Alberta?
Who is the mayor of Lethbridge?

What are the three levels of government?
What are three things the federal government is responsible for?
What are three things the provincial government is responsible for?
What are three things the municipal government is responsible for?

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