Tuesday 9 January 2018

Independent Study

Over the next week you will have class time to finish assignments and study for your final exams. I strongly suggest you use class time to do those two thigns. However, if you don't have course exams or need a break from studying, please visit the sties below for independent practice. 

1. Listenwise: 
Sign up at:https://listenwise.com/students/sign_up
Class code:bumpy-trout-1482

2. Enter class code U73ER7
3. Default password is 1234
Note: You can change their passwords when they log in or see me if you need it reset.


Join the class by visiting this pre-approved invitation URL:
When students visit the URL above, they will automatically be enrolled in this class. If they do not have a Vocabulary.com account, they will be able to easily create one.

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Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...