Sunday 13 January 2019


You are all going to graduate this year, so I have compiled a list of some of the most common adult tasks you may need to conquer in the coming years, and have provided some links to help you crush adult life!

Lesson 1- Making your Voice Heard

If you would like to vote in the upcoming election, are 18 years old, and a Canadian citizen this post is for you.

1. In order to register to vote, you will need to have a piece of government ID. If you do not have a driver's license, you can get an Alberta Identification Card at a registry agent. For more information, click here:

2. For more information about the election:

3. Start here to find out more about you and the voting process:

Lesson 2- Getting Places

1. City Transit:

2. Getting an Alberta Driver's License:

The process:
Study Guide:
Practice Tests #1-
#3- More practice with AMA-

Lesson 3- Doing your Taxes

The first time you do your taxes, you could try to find a Free Tax Clinic: Use this link to find a clinic near you:

Filing online is pretty easy, and there are many legitimate online sources you can use for help. Make sure to check them out carefully before you enter any personal information! In addition, read very carefully to make sure you don't miss anything. Some examples are services are H&R Block online or Ufile

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