Tuesday 12 March 2019

Daylight Saving Time

1. Read this article on the pros and cons of daylight saving time: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/11/daylight-saving-time-2016-why-change-clocks/

*Add to this week's vocabulary list on the board!*

2. Choose an article of your own to read. Take additional notes on the pros or cons of DST

3. Use the outline template to plan your letter.  Use the articles we have read and your own thoughts to make your argument.

4. Start your letter draft.

5. Meet with a peer to get feedback on your letter

6. Adjust and work on your good copy.

7. Hand in your letter to be checked before mailing!

Extra time:
1. Homework or studying
2. Article Summary Assignment- You may choose the article you read while researching your letter or another article of interest to you!

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