Wednesday 23 October 2019

Resume Writing

1. Sign up for an ALIS account:

2. Click this link to access the templates:

3. Click this link for resume tips:

How to Get to your Reading Assignments

1. go to
2. Students enter class code C3Y6AG
3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234
Note: You can change their passwords when they log in, and you can change student passwords on this page.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Heritage Minute Listening

Heritage Minute Listening: 

  1. Visit this site Heritage Minutes website to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history.
  2. You will watch 4 different clips, then choose one to summarize. 
  3. Use this form: (Summary Assignment. ) to complete your summary. You can type or write it by hand.
  4. At the end of the activity, you will share your summary with a partner.
  5. I will collect the summaries for marks on Thursday. 

Monday 21 October 2019

English 30-4

1. Class Survey: Please click this link and answer the questions.
2. Open this website and download the PDF.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Canadian Studies

1. Federal Elections in Canada: Video

2. Political Party Research Project
Working in pairs, you are going to create a presentation informing the class about your assigned political party. Click here for what you need to include and to find out your assigned party and group.
3. You will also brainstorm one or two important questions to ask your representative
4. On Tuesday at flex, make the time to ask your candidate your question. **BONUS MARKS**
3. Today, you will start researching your political party and gathering information. Do not start creating your presentation today! Take notes on what you find. Create a shared document, so everyone has access to the notes you take today!

Research Sites:

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Canadian Government Visual

Canadian Studies Class:

You are going create a visual to represent your understanding of Canadian government. Your visual should include:
1. The three levels of government
2. Responsibilities of each level
3. Leaders at each level (Title and current leader)
4. Pictures and Words!

Canadian Government Review:
1. Video on Levels of Government
2. Our Country, Our Parliament
3. Levels of Government
4. Canadian Government Reading

English 30-4

1. Continue working on your 'Worst Case Scenario' Presentation
2. Click here for the assignment link
3. Use the 'Worst-Case Scenario Handbook to choose a topic. Write your name and topic on the board.
4. Create your presentation in PowerPoint online or Google Slides. You can also choose to create a video presentation.

5. When your presentation is finished, please work on reading comprehension. Choose a book from the side counter. Select a story and answer the comprehension questions in your notebook.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...