Wednesday 9 October 2019

Canadian Government Visual

Canadian Studies Class:

You are going create a visual to represent your understanding of Canadian government. Your visual should include:
1. The three levels of government
2. Responsibilities of each level
3. Leaders at each level (Title and current leader)
4. Pictures and Words!

Canadian Government Review:
1. Video on Levels of Government
2. Our Country, Our Parliament
3. Levels of Government
4. Canadian Government Reading

English 30-4

1. Continue working on your 'Worst Case Scenario' Presentation
2. Click here for the assignment link
3. Use the 'Worst-Case Scenario Handbook to choose a topic. Write your name and topic on the board.
4. Create your presentation in PowerPoint online or Google Slides. You can also choose to create a video presentation.

5. When your presentation is finished, please work on reading comprehension. Choose a book from the side counter. Select a story and answer the comprehension questions in your notebook.

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