Thursday 14 November 2019

Friday Nov. 15th

Good morning, class! I hope you have a great day today while I am at home sick! Be nice to the guest teacher!

ELL 9:
1. Work on homework
2. Study
3. Practice your spelling words (test on Monday!)
4. If you do not have homework or studying, or you finish your homework, you MUST do #5:
5. Article Summary Assignment: choose any news article of interest to you!
a. Click the link below
b. Make a copy of the file or download the file as a Word Doc: Follow the directions in the file!

English 30-4

1. go to
2. Enter class code ANUQP2
3. Your default password is 1234Note: You can change your passwords when you log in

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Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...