Wednesday 31 May 2017

June- Expository English

When you have finished, choose one of the following:

1. Vocabulary Practice:

2. Dictation practice:

3. Practice your listening skills:  
(use this code: ZYUNWM  to register for our class)

4. Brush up on your grammar:

5. Homework

Tuesday 16 May 2017

May 17th Directions

ESL 9- May 17th


  1. Go to Microsoft Classroom for your copy of the assignment. If you get stuck you can also use the link below. Please try to use Classroom and edit the file in your browser. :)
  2. Search for a recent news story.
  3. You can use CBC news, CTV news, or another site to find your article.
  4. Copy and paste your source site in the table on the next page.
  5. Read the article 2-3 times.
  6. Summarize the article in the table on the next page. *YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN WORDS. NO COPY AND PASTING!
  7. Identify 4 new vocabulary words. Give a definition and example sentence for each.
  8. Print your assignment including the original article.
  9. You will present this assignment in class next week.

Article Summary Assignment

Expository English- May 17th

1. Continue to work on your country comparison chart. Remember to use green for your research and copy and paste your sources links into your document.

2. Complete your essay outline plan.

3. Start writing your body paragraphs in the same document. Don't worry about the introduction yet; we will talk about these on Thursday!

You may take the final 20 minutes of class for homework on reading.

Monday 15 May 2017

Expository English May 15th-16th

1. Finish and print your article summary assignment. We will present these in small groups tomorrow!

2. Read up on comparing and contrasting: 
3. Create a Venn Diagram comparing yourself and a partner OR comparing middle school to high school. Use this online tool:

*You will need to experiment a bit to figure out how this tool works!

4. Start your next assignment (first page only for now): 

When you have finished, choose one of the following:

1. Dictation practice:

2. Practice your listening skills:  
(use this code: ZYUNWM  to register for our class)

3. Brush up on your grammar:

4. Homework

Monday 8 May 2017


Finish your poster if you have not already!

1. Please type 3 questions about your poster and e-mail them to me?
2. Try this week's vocab list:
3. Check out this great site:

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Expository English- May 2

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice
3. Work on your poster
4. Try the website: See me first.

Monday 1 May 2017

Nature Photo Challenge

50 Vitamin N Challenges

Submit a photo of you doing one of the following activities:
Remember someone has to be in the photo!

1. Walking on a log
2. Having lunch outside with a group of friends
3. Hiking in the coulees
4. Dipping your feet in the Old Man River
5. Walking a pet 
6. Playing a game with classmates outside
7. Doing a yoga pose outside
8. Group jumping in the air photo
9. Photo with an insect      
10. Watering a plant 
11. Jumping on a trampoline
12. Star gazing
13. Drawing something in nature
14. Counting clouds
15. Having a campfire 
16. Picking up garbage
17. Visiting the Helen Schuler Nature Center
18. Rollerblading
19. Fishing
20. Skateboarding at the skate park
21. Hula Hooping
22. Going for a hike
23. Going bird watching
24. Hand standing in the grass
25. Planting a flower
26. Walking to the store
27. Skipping rope
28. Washing your car
29. Going down a slide 
30. Swinging on monkey bars
31. Playing Frisbee
32. Riding a bike
33. Picking some wild flowers
34. Taking a photo of yourself geocaching
35. Long boarding
36. Playing baseball
37. Flying a kite
38. Reading a book outside
39. Skipping rocks at the river/lake
40. Drawing with chalk on sidewalk
41. Raking leaves/shoveling snow –depending on weather!
42. Recreating a movie scene outside
43. Group of friends standing on a bridge
44. Hugging a tree
45. Selfie with a Lethbridge landmark!
46. Piggy back outside
47. Rolling down a hill
48. Running the coulee stairs
49. Creating your own Inuksuk
50. Creating your name using things found in nature

Please send your photos here:

Expository English: Inquiry Project- How can we make Canadians healthier?

Project #1:

Here is the assignment link for your project:

Project #2:

Help with Listening

Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...