Monday 1 May 2017

Nature Photo Challenge

50 Vitamin N Challenges

Submit a photo of you doing one of the following activities:
Remember someone has to be in the photo!

1. Walking on a log
2. Having lunch outside with a group of friends
3. Hiking in the coulees
4. Dipping your feet in the Old Man River
5. Walking a pet 
6. Playing a game with classmates outside
7. Doing a yoga pose outside
8. Group jumping in the air photo
9. Photo with an insect      
10. Watering a plant 
11. Jumping on a trampoline
12. Star gazing
13. Drawing something in nature
14. Counting clouds
15. Having a campfire 
16. Picking up garbage
17. Visiting the Helen Schuler Nature Center
18. Rollerblading
19. Fishing
20. Skateboarding at the skate park
21. Hula Hooping
22. Going for a hike
23. Going bird watching
24. Hand standing in the grass
25. Planting a flower
26. Walking to the store
27. Skipping rope
28. Washing your car
29. Going down a slide 
30. Swinging on monkey bars
31. Playing Frisbee
32. Riding a bike
33. Picking some wild flowers
34. Taking a photo of yourself geocaching
35. Long boarding
36. Playing baseball
37. Flying a kite
38. Reading a book outside
39. Skipping rocks at the river/lake
40. Drawing with chalk on sidewalk
41. Raking leaves/shoveling snow –depending on weather!
42. Recreating a movie scene outside
43. Group of friends standing on a bridge
44. Hugging a tree
45. Selfie with a Lethbridge landmark!
46. Piggy back outside
47. Rolling down a hill
48. Running the coulee stairs
49. Creating your own Inuksuk
50. Creating your name using things found in nature

Please send your photos here:

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