Thursday 29 November 2018

English 30-4

1. Finish your resume
2. Look for some jobs you are interested in on:,-AB or elsewhere
3. Practice applications
4. Read 180
5. Newsela-
6. Work on some Vocab!

English 30/20

English 30:
1. Finish your persuasive assignment
2. See me!

English 20:
1. Fahrenheit 451 Alphabet book!

Choose a letter and element here:
You can talk about characters, setting, theme, plot elements etc.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

English 20-2/ 30-2

Wednesday Nov. 28th

1. Read the article and answer the questions that follow: 

2. Work on your independent novel study

1. Complete your persuasive writing outline
2. Write your persuasive speech or letter using the tips provided
3. See me for feedback

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Thursday 22 November 2018

Sunday 28 October 2018

Career Research Project

Good afternoon!

Today you will have a chance to research a career of interest to you. You will use the link below to open a document. You will then answer a number of questions about your career. You can use the ALIS Career Insite website and other sites to gather information.

Once your research is complete, you will create a presentation using Google Slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other presentation format, to share with the class.

Career Research Project Assignment

PowerPoint Template - Use this template or create your own presentation. Click the link and download a copy to edit the information. Be sure to use your own design, information, pictures.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Employment Unit- Day One

Good afternoon!

Today we are starting our new unit on employment. Our first step is thinking about what kinds of jobs we may be interested in. Click here to begin. We will go through the workbook as a class, and you will complete several pages on paper. Your goal for the day is to think about what kinds of jobs you might like to do.

Other great resources:

Preparing to Work: 

Looking for work:

Tuesday 11 September 2018

English 30-2

Welcome to class! Please try this link on your device to practice Short Story Vocabulary List #1.

Monday 10 September 2018

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Welcome Back!

Good morning!

Welcome back to a new semester! I'm so excited to be working with you this semester. Today we are going to be thinking about identity. This mini-unit will involve thinking about the forces which have shaped our personalities and values. Today we will look at a poem and a non-fiction article. We will be using the site, CommonLit.

Please create an account at and use the class code: 4NZJEN

Complete each reading and the associated questions. You may choose to work with the class or work independently today. Please complete your journal entry when you have finished the two readings.

The image below from Universe as Text, is one I'd like you to keep in mind all semester long!

Monday 4 June 2018

English 30-2

Shawshank Redemption Film Analysis

Today we are going to dig deeper into the themes of the film by working through the following assignment. You may choose to work alone or in a pair. You may work online or on paper.

Monday 14 May 2018

Wellness Activity Assignment

Yesterday we began talking about mindfulness by watching this TED talk by Andy Puddicombe:

Mini-Lesson Assignment
You are going to teach the class a skill/lesson. Today you are going to have the option to research a wellness strategy that you think may be useful in your own life in helping you be more mindful. After researching, you will then teach the strategy to the class! Your other option is to choose a topic of your own to teach to the class.

1. For the health and wellness presentation: Your presentation to the group should include:
1. A detailed explanation of the strategy and why it is effective
2. An example of the strategy in practice: you can show a video, demonstrate yourself, or describe how the strategy is implemented.
3.Time for the class to practice the strategy

Remember, your job is to teach the group your strategy! Wellness presentations will take place every Monday until the end of the school year.

Some ideas include:
  • Guided meditation
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Art activity
  • Journaling activity
  • Physical activity
  • A mindful application
  • Your choice

2. For your own lesson:
Choose a topic you are passionate about and use the following template: 

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Thursday 12 April 2018

Thailand Presentation

You will be creating a presentation about Thailand to share with another class! You will work with a partner on a section of the presentation. We will all complete one document together! Click this link to access the file.

 On the first slide, you will sign up for a topic. Please record your names and topic on slide 1.

Some tips:
-Only use POINT FORM on the slides
-Include photos
-Only edit your own group's slides

We will also be working on our bulletin board. :)

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Good morning, Yamama!

This week, follow the schedule below:

1. Typing  (10)
2. Watch this TED Talk:
3. Read this article:

You have just heard two opinions on video games and their effect on individuals. Search for one more article or video. Read the article or watch the video. Provide a link to your article and a summary of the information.

4. Now that you have learned a bit about the topic. Choose a position. Do you think video games are good for you? Start a document in Microsoft Word online. State your position and brainstorm reasons to support your position.

5. Choose your three strongest reasons and begin writing an essay on this topic. Each of your strongest reasons should make up one paragraph of your essay. Continue writing in the document you started earlier.

6. Come and see me at Flex to discuss! :)

    Extra time or stuck? You can work on homework/ Read 180

    Have a great week! :)

    Monday 26 March 2018

    Independent Study- ELL

    Good morning, Yamama!

    Follow the schedule below:

    1. Typing  (10)
    2. Dictation Practice (10)
    3. Journal Writing (30) 
    For the journal:

    • Open the link
    • Make a copy of the file in Google Docs or download to Microsoft Word Online
    • Respond to the daily prompt (only 1 per day)
    • E-mail me the link to your file.

    4. Homework/ Read 180

    Have a great week! :)

    Monday 5 March 2018

    Worst-Case Scenario Assignment

    1. Choose one of the following topics with your group:

    2. Record your choice on the back board

    3. In your group, plan and script a presentation to share your strategy with the class.

    4. Practice Presentation

    5. Record

    6. Edit

    Thursday 1 March 2018

    Comic Book Creator Site

    1. Choose one of the stories from 'Extreme Survivor Stories'
    2. Create a summary of the story by drawing or creating a short comic strip.
    3. You can draw your own using one of my templates or create a comic strip online using one of the programs below,

    Thursday 15 February 2018

    February Practice


    2. Enter class code U73ER7
    3. Default password is 1234
    Note: You can change their passwords when they log in or see me if you need it reset.


    Monday 5 February 2018

    Extremes of Nature

    Hi everyone! I'm sorry not to be there today. I hope I will be feeling better tomorrow! Please be amazing to our guest teacher.

    Today we are starting our new unit: Extremes of Nature. We are going to be talking about extreme weather/natural events, as well as people and animals that are able to survive under extreme circumstances.

    A. In your small group, Discuss:

    1. Have you experienced extremes of nature before? Share a story if you are comfortable doing so.
    2. Do you remember what your first blizzard experience was like? Describe it!
    3. Share some of the most extreme places you've been: hottest, coldest, windiest, saltiest, etc.
    4. What do you think we can learn from the extremes of nature?

    B. Now, for 15 minutes, try to write in your journal about the topic above. Try to write constantly and for the whole time frame! Please provide a lot of detail. Think about the 5 senses when describing events. What did you see, hear, feel, taste, smell, etc.

    C. Research a recent news article on an extreme of nature. Scan the article and use this link to take some notes about the article.  Remember that with scanning, you don't have to read the entire article!

    Tuesday 9 January 2018

    Independent Study

    Over the next week you will have class time to finish assignments and study for your final exams. I strongly suggest you use class time to do those two thigns. However, if you don't have course exams or need a break from studying, please visit the sties below for independent practice. 

    1. Listenwise: 
    Sign up at:
    Class code:bumpy-trout-1482

    2. Enter class code U73ER7
    3. Default password is 1234
    Note: You can change their passwords when they log in or see me if you need it reset.


    Join the class by visiting this pre-approved invitation URL:
    When students visit the URL above, they will automatically be enrolled in this class. If they do not have a account, they will be able to easily create one.

    Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...