Tuesday 19 December 2017

Dec. 19th- Canadian Studies

1. Take the test! Canadian Citizenship Quiz: http://citizenshipcounts.ca/quiz

2. Symbols- Race to discover all of the answers to the matching quiz!

3. Canadian symbol visual- Choose one of the symbols from the list. Create a visual representation of the symbol and on the opposite side of the page, explain the symbol, why it is important to Canada, and why you have chosen it.


Typing Practice


Sign up and track progress: https://www.typing.com/student


Thursday 14 December 2017


1. Complete your setting assignment
2. Start thinking about theme in Coraline. What do you think the book was really about? What messages did it send?
3. Review the plot and check out some theme ideas here: https://www.shmoop.com/coraline-book/
4. Work on theme assignment

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Canadian Citzenship

Canadian Citizenship Quiz:


Discover Canada Study Guide:

Potter Week Prep!

1. Take this quiz to find out to which Hogwarts House you would belong: http://www.playbuzz.com/emilyz14/the-hogwarts-sorting-quiz-pottermore-version

2. Read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (It's an easy read- try it out!)

3. Watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

4. Become a giant Harry Potter fan, like Taryn

Monday 4 December 2017

Bias in the News

1. Choose a news topic together.
2. Try to find that topic on at least 5 different news sites (3 must be different countries)
3. Look at the headlines, and skim the articles.
4. What similarities and differences do you notice?
5. Prepare summary of your findings:
-Headlines of each article, similarities and differences of the articles.

Wednesday and Thursday:
Check the site for this handout in your first language: https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11174

2. Use the handout to help you complete the following activity. Be sure to work on your own copy of the assignment. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tkXr3DnrdsWGKPEAis5pIXXEFFKw4l2onQtcyIlSDyw/edit?usp=sharing

3. Select an article from any website of your choosing. Make sure to choose an article that is interesting to you personally:
Open the link and complete the instructions. You will present about your article next week.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mOJz_QHGfvuvd7vHMucR6WEjUr0ATlUyAcd3yfNO1h0/edit?usp=sharing

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vocabulary Builder- Canadian Studies

You have each been given a word. Please follow the direction below:
  1. Define: Using an online or print dictionary, choose and record the best definition for your word.
  2. Forms: What part of speech is the word. What other forms can it take? What parts of speech are they?
  3. Example: Give an example sentence using the word.
  4. Illustrate: Create a visual representation of the word.
Finally, you will teach your word to the class.

Here are the words:

  1. Mercantilism
  2. Colonization
  3. Imperialism
  4. Monopoly
  5. Coexist
  6. Assimilation
  7. Ethnocentrism
  8. Colony
  9. Treaty

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Skills Practice

Today you will be working on practicing some skills:

2. Reading: https://www.readworks.org/
3. Read 180- Open Student Drive. Click on Digital Resources. Click on Read 180.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Applied Digital Skills with Google

Today we will be exploring a new way to learn, Applied Digital Skills with Google:

  1. Go to g.co/applieddigitalskills
  2. Click "Sign In," and sign in with their Google account
  3. Select "I am a learner"
  4. Enter class code 48geese
  5. Put on headphones and watch the first video

Sunday 5 November 2017

Career Explorations Project

We have just heard from 17 people working in different careers in Lethbridge and area. We have also  had discussions and written a journal entry reflecting on the speakers. Today you will dig deeper into this topic by researching a career you think you  may be interested in.

Here are the questions you will use to guide your research: Please download the file and save yourself a copy to edit in Word Online: Career Explorations Assignment 

Here are some helpful websites:

At the end of your research, you will share the information with the class in one of the following formats:
1. A video presentation (mock interview, news report, etc).
2. A one page summary info-graphic
3. A format of your choosing *You may not choose PowerPoint


If you aren't sure which career interests you, you can check out this website:

1. Sign up for the website
2. Work through the activities
3. When you have finished. You can summarize the information in a short report (video,audio, or written.) In the report, share what you've learned about yourself from the activities.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Indigenous Groups in Canada- Research Project Day 1

Here is the first page of links for your research. With you partner, use the sites on the link below to help start your research. You may use additional sites as well, but be sure they are reliable.


For Part 1 of your project, you will be looking at one of the above Indigenous groups in Canada. Please look for the following:

1. Food
2. Clothing
3. Transportation
4. Housing
5. Spiritual Beliefs and Traditions

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Canada's First Peoples

Today we are starting our unit on Canadian history. We will be looking at four main parts of Canada's history:

1. Canada's First People
2. Exploration and Settlement
3. Key Events in Canada's History
4. Affect of Settlement on Indigenous Communities

Today, we are going to do a reading activity to help learn a bit about Canada's First Nations Peoples. We will go into much greater detail about this topic in our next unit: Canada's People. For now, we will be taking a brief look at Indigenous cultures before European settlement and exploration. Please keep in mind that the First Nations cultures are many and varied, and that in our brief study, we will only scratch the surface of what is available to be learned!

You will be working with a partner for this task. Each group is assigned a section of the reading to complete and summarize for the class. You will each read your section, then summarize your information on a slide in the team PowerPoint Presentation. Please only edit the slide assigned to your group!

The Readinghttps://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1307460755710/1307460872523
You should start with this reading, but are welcome to supplement with other sites. If you plan to use other sites, please critically evaluate your sources before using them. See me if you aren't sure! Here is a helpful resource: https://cdn.dal.ca/content/dam/dalhousie/pdf/library/CoreSkills/Website%20Checklist.pdf

The Groups:
Group 1: Transportation
Group 2: Homes
Group 3: Food
Group 4: Clothing
Group 5: Spiritual Beliefs

The Presentation: Put your information here:

Monday 16 October 2017

Canadian Studies- Oct. 17th

1. Finish and print your article summary. We will be going through these as a class on Thursday- you will be sharing your summary and vocabulary words with a small group. For instructions on this assignment, see the previous blog post.

2. Canada's Government- Review and Expansion- Make your way through the website.  Be sure to read each section and try out the accompanying activities. When you have gone through all of the readings and activities, you will create visual representation of what you have learned. This can be a graphic organizer/info-graphic style visual, short page of notes, picture, or anything else that helps summarize the content from today's reading. You make alone or in pairs to create your visual. You will share your visual in class TOMORROW.

3. Homework or Independent Reading

On Tuesday, you will have a quiz on Canadian government. For the quiz, you should know:

Who is the prime minister of Canada?
Who is the premier of Alberta?
Who is the mayor of Lethbridge?

What are the three levels of government?
What are three things the federal government is responsible for?
What are three things the provincial government is responsible for?
What are three things the municipal government is responsible for?

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Thursday 5 October 2017

The Future of...

Here is the link to your current project:

*When you get to the interviewing stage:
- You may interview 1 staff member and 1 classmate, but the other 3 interviews need to be outside of ELL class! :) 

Tuesday 3 October 2017

ELL- Reading of the Day

Please go to readworks.org and follow the directions below:

Read the assigned selections and answer the questions that follow. :) 

Monday 2 October 2017

Coat of Arms Assignment

We have looked at several different 'Coats of Arms' in class. Today, you are going to create your own coat of arms. Use the assignment sheet I have provided, as well as ideas (for colours, symbols, styles, etc.)  from the attached files:



Sunday 1 October 2017

Municipal Election Webquest

Use internet resources to complete the webquest below:

You will need to first download the file below and save your own copy.


Here are some websites to help you on your quest!



When you have finished, you can work on homework...or:

Study up on your grammar here: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/
Expand your vocabulary here: https://www.vocabulary.com/

Wednesday 31 May 2017

June- Expository English

When you have finished, choose one of the following:

1. Vocabulary Practice: http://vocab.com/join/33XW8DR

2. Dictation practice: https://www.englishclub.com/listening/dictation.htm

3. Practice your listening skills: www.helpwithlistening.com  
(use this code: ZYUNWM  to register for our class)

4. Brush up on your grammar: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/

5. Homework

Tuesday 16 May 2017

May 17th Directions

ESL 9- May 17th


  1. Go to Microsoft Classroom for your copy of the assignment. If you get stuck you can also use the link below. Please try to use Classroom and edit the file in your browser. :)
  2. Search for a recent news story.
  3. You can use CBC news, CTV news, or another site to find your article.
  4. Copy and paste your source site in the table on the next page.
  5. Read the article 2-3 times.
  6. Summarize the article in the table on the next page. *YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN WORDS. NO COPY AND PASTING!
  7. Identify 4 new vocabulary words. Give a definition and example sentence for each.
  8. Print your assignment including the original article.
  9. You will present this assignment in class next week.

Article Summary Assignment

Expository English- May 17th

1. Continue to work on your country comparison chart. Remember to use green for your research and copy and paste your sources links into your document.

2. Complete your essay outline plan.

3. Start writing your body paragraphs in the same document. Don't worry about the introduction yet; we will talk about these on Thursday!

You may take the final 20 minutes of class for homework on reading.

Monday 15 May 2017

Expository English May 15th-16th

1. Finish and print your article summary assignment. We will present these in small groups tomorrow!

2. Read up on comparing and contrasting:
3. Create a Venn Diagram comparing yourself and a partner OR comparing middle school to high school. Use this online tool: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/venn_diagrams/

*You will need to experiment a bit to figure out how this tool works!

4. Start your next assignment (first page only for now): 

When you have finished, choose one of the following:

1. Dictation practice: https://www.englishclub.com/listening/dictation.htm

2. Practice your listening skills: www.helpwithlistening.com  
(use this code: ZYUNWM  to register for our class)

3. Brush up on your grammar: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/

4. Homework

Monday 8 May 2017


Finish your poster if you have not already!

1. Please type 3 questions about your poster and e-mail them to me?
2. Try this week's vocab list:  http://vocab.com/join/1PNN6QA
3. Check out this great site: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Expository English- May 2

1. Finish your presentation
2. Practice
3. Work on your poster
4. Try the website: See me first.

Monday 1 May 2017

Nature Photo Challenge

50 Vitamin N Challenges

Submit a photo of you doing one of the following activities: 5bwu3e0v@yogile.com
Remember someone has to be in the photo!

1. Walking on a log
2. Having lunch outside with a group of friends
3. Hiking in the coulees
4. Dipping your feet in the Old Man River
5. Walking a pet 
6. Playing a game with classmates outside
7. Doing a yoga pose outside
8. Group jumping in the air photo
9. Photo with an insect      
10. Watering a plant 
11. Jumping on a trampoline
12. Star gazing
13. Drawing something in nature
14. Counting clouds
15. Having a campfire 
16. Picking up garbage
17. Visiting the Helen Schuler Nature Center
18. Rollerblading
19. Fishing
20. Skateboarding at the skate park
21. Hula Hooping
22. Going for a hike
23. Going bird watching
24. Hand standing in the grass
25. Planting a flower
26. Walking to the store
27. Skipping rope
28. Washing your car
29. Going down a slide 
30. Swinging on monkey bars
31. Playing Frisbee
32. Riding a bike
33. Picking some wild flowers
34. Taking a photo of yourself geocaching
35. Long boarding
36. Playing baseball
37. Flying a kite
38. Reading a book outside
39. Skipping rocks at the river/lake
40. Drawing with chalk on sidewalk
41. Raking leaves/shoveling snow –depending on weather!
42. Recreating a movie scene outside
43. Group of friends standing on a bridge
44. Hugging a tree
45. Selfie with a Lethbridge landmark!
46. Piggy back outside
47. Rolling down a hill
48. Running the coulee stairs
49. Creating your own Inuksuk
50. Creating your name using things found in nature

Please send your photos here:


Expository English: Inquiry Project- How can we make Canadians healthier?

Project #1:

Here is the assignment link for your project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRZhVu4q5CCMUZ0NT61vcJ50KEBsS44RbAgW4Glegic/edit?usp=sharing

Project #2:

Help with Listening


Tuesday 25 April 2017

ESL 9: Animal Research Project

Research project assignment

1. Choose your animal
2. Use your research handout to guide your study of the animal.
3. Take notes as you research
4. Choose how you will represent your information
5. Start work on your project.

Monday 10 April 2017

Tuesday 4 April 2017

April 4th

ESL 9: 

Human-Animal Conflict Inquiry Project

Suggested websites:


IFAW: http://www.ifaw.org/canada

Expository English 15:

1. Paragraph writing assignment: Finish your paragraph writing assignment. Be sure to self-edit with the checklist and then peer edit with a partner.

Choose one of the following activities when you have finished your paragraph:

2. Extended homework time
3. Dictation Practice: https://www.englishclub.com/listening/dictation.htm
4. Typing practice: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/tutor/keyboarding.php
5. News article assignment: You can choose to LISTEN to or READ a current news article and complete the summary assignment: 

April. 5th Class

CBC News Listening:

Audio: http://mp3.cbc.ca/news/CBC_News_VMS/77/1023/Calgary_March_27_corrected.mp3
PDF: http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/3525425/Calgary-March-27.pdf

Monday 3 April 2017

Extra Vocabulary Practice

If you'd like to get some extra vocabulary work in, please follow the link below to sign up for my class!

To join this class, enter the following URL into your browser:

When you join the class, your teacher will be able to monitor your learning progress on Vocabulary.com. Don't have an account on Vocabulary.com yet? You'll be able to sign up by visiting the URL above.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Expository English 15- February 8th

A. Who am I Becoming?
1. Finish your 'Who am I Becoming' Project.
2. Choose the part of your assignment you will share with the class
3. Share this piece with a peer for feedback.
4. Edit your work.
5. E-mail Taryn your assignment: taryn.rodzinyak@lethsd.ab.ca
6. Practice the piece you will share with the class on Thursday.

When you finish your project, choose one of the following options:

B. Choose a current news article in English, Read the article and complete the summary activity: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VU9yE2hZW4CWCorx6fzGvZdp9LE_lIoHQ7U4_wqDKTc/edit?usp=sharing

C. Typing Practice: https://www.sense-lang.org/typing/

D. Dictation Practice; https://www.englishclub.com/listening/dictation.htm

E.S.L 9

Speech Assignment Link

Monday 9 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Good afternoon,

1. Today we will be working on our MyStory Projects. Please use the template below to help you:


2. When you have finished, you will be doing some reading about Confederation. You may work with a partner for this activity. Please read the chapter and answer the questions together. Please print and hand in your answer sheet when you have finished.

1. Chapter: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=c2hhcmUuZXBzYi5jYXxtci1yYWUtcy1zb2NpYWwtY2xhc3N8Z3g6YzgxM2ExNzllZTg5MmMx

2.Questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C1R9gBwBr7CrM0eUDAZy2P6CmUGcZFb0SQi9yU4BJeE/edit?usp=sharing

Brain Break Games: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/english/games

Hi, folks! Here at Chinook, we miss you already! Please make sure you check your school e-mail and try to access Microsoft Teams if you ca...