Monday 16 December 2019

Dec. 16th- Career Research Assignment

Good afternoon!

Today you will have a chance to research a career of interest to you. You will use the link below to open a document. You will then answer a number of questions about your career. You can use the ALIS Career Insite website and other sites to gather information.

Once your research is complete, you will create a presentation using Google Slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other presentation format, to share with the class.

Career Research Project Assignment

PowerPoint Template - Use this template or create your own presentation. Click the link and download a copy to edit the information. Be sure to use your own design, information, pictures.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Thursday 14 November 2019

Friday Nov. 15th

Good morning, class! I hope you have a great day today while I am at home sick! Be nice to the guest teacher!

ELL 9:
1. Work on homework
2. Study
3. Practice your spelling words (test on Monday!)
4. If you do not have homework or studying, or you finish your homework, you MUST do #5:
5. Article Summary Assignment: choose any news article of interest to you!
a. Click the link below
b. Make a copy of the file or download the file as a Word Doc: Follow the directions in the file!

English 30-4

1. go to
2. Enter class code ANUQP2
3. Your default password is 1234Note: You can change your passwords when you log in

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Resume Writing

1. Sign up for an ALIS account:

2. Click this link to access the templates:

3. Click this link for resume tips:

How to Get to your Reading Assignments

1. go to
2. Students enter class code C3Y6AG
3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234
Note: You can change their passwords when they log in, and you can change student passwords on this page.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Heritage Minute Listening

Heritage Minute Listening: 

  1. Visit this site Heritage Minutes website to learn a bit more about some important moments in Canadian history.
  2. You will watch 4 different clips, then choose one to summarize. 
  3. Use this form: (Summary Assignment. ) to complete your summary. You can type or write it by hand.
  4. At the end of the activity, you will share your summary with a partner.
  5. I will collect the summaries for marks on Thursday. 

Monday 21 October 2019

English 30-4

1. Class Survey: Please click this link and answer the questions.
2. Open this website and download the PDF.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Canadian Studies

1. Federal Elections in Canada: Video

2. Political Party Research Project
Working in pairs, you are going to create a presentation informing the class about your assigned political party. Click here for what you need to include and to find out your assigned party and group.
3. You will also brainstorm one or two important questions to ask your representative
4. On Tuesday at flex, make the time to ask your candidate your question. **BONUS MARKS**
3. Today, you will start researching your political party and gathering information. Do not start creating your presentation today! Take notes on what you find. Create a shared document, so everyone has access to the notes you take today!

Research Sites:

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Canadian Government Visual

Canadian Studies Class:

You are going create a visual to represent your understanding of Canadian government. Your visual should include:
1. The three levels of government
2. Responsibilities of each level
3. Leaders at each level (Title and current leader)
4. Pictures and Words!

Canadian Government Review:
1. Video on Levels of Government
2. Our Country, Our Parliament
3. Levels of Government
4. Canadian Government Reading

English 30-4

1. Continue working on your 'Worst Case Scenario' Presentation
2. Click here for the assignment link
3. Use the 'Worst-Case Scenario Handbook to choose a topic. Write your name and topic on the board.
4. Create your presentation in PowerPoint online or Google Slides. You can also choose to create a video presentation.

5. When your presentation is finished, please work on reading comprehension. Choose a book from the side counter. Select a story and answer the comprehension questions in your notebook.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Monday 30 September 2019

Vote Compass

Today, we are going to take a survey called 'Vote Compass' as a class. The link you will need is here:

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Digital Journal

You can type your responses to your journal. Follow these steps:

1. Sign-in to your Outlook account
2. Click the link
3. Make a copy of the file
4. Share the file with me (e-mail on the board.)

Sunday 22 September 2019

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Monday 27 May 2019

May 28th

1. Make sure you choose 15 new words based on watching 'This is Us' Episode 10!

2. Homework and Study time- Use it wisely!

3. No homework?
a. Read silently
b. Practice your grammar:
c. Draw Taryn a dragon and write a story about the dragon.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Tuesday May 14th

1. Finish your brochure assignment

  • You must have at least 3 sources: 2 web and one book
  • Check your work for spelling/grammar
  • Ensure your brochure contains all important information
  • Ensure your brochure is colourful and contains pictures

2. Reading: Use this link to go to Newsela. Choose an article to read and complete the quiz

3. Vocabulary Practice!

4. Practice how you will present your brochure tomorrow

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Alberta Votes- Webquest

Today you will be researching to find out more about the candidates and parties involved in the election today!

Use this site to get started:

Happy researching!

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Bank Note Research Project

This class, we will be working on creating our $5.00 bank note. Use your planning sheet to help you brainstorm about what you'd like to include on your bill.

Guiding Questions:
• What should our bank notes say about us today and for years to come?
• How can we show our values, culture, history, traditions, achievements and heritage?
• What symbols and images best represent Canada?

Websites for Inspiration:
The Canadian Encyclopedia
Heritage Minutes
Official Symbols of Canada
Indigenous Heroes

A site of your choosing! Be sure to evaluate your sources!

Thursday 28 March 2019

March 28th

Good morning!

Today we are going to choose groups for our newspaper project! Click here for the link to the newspaper template:

Next, we are going to read a few articles from this document:

We will read about the Kenow Fire.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Article Summary Assignment

Article Summary Assignment- You may choose the article you read while researching your letter or another article of interest to you!

1. Click the link below
2. Make a copy of the file or download the file as a Word Doc.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Daylight Saving Time

1. Read this article on the pros and cons of daylight saving time:

*Add to this week's vocabulary list on the board!*

2. Choose an article of your own to read. Take additional notes on the pros or cons of DST

3. Use the outline template to plan your letter.  Use the articles we have read and your own thoughts to make your argument.

4. Start your letter draft.

5. Meet with a peer to get feedback on your letter

6. Adjust and work on your good copy.

7. Hand in your letter to be checked before mailing!

Extra time:
1. Homework or studying
2. Article Summary Assignment- You may choose the article you read while researching your letter or another article of interest to you!

Tuesday 26 February 2019


1. Please sign-up for Flipgrid:

2. Record yourself giving your presentation

3. Watch your presentation

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Tuesday 15 January 2019

English 30-2

Congratulations on finishing part A of your diploma exam! Today you have a few choices:

1. If you have not completed your Shawshank Redemption/Night Essay, please do this first.
2. If you have not completed your Night project, please do this next.

After this, you have several options:

1. Reading comprehension practice for diploma:
(See me for login)


2. Learn some amazing life advice:

Watch and write a journal entry about the video


3. Write a letter to an incoming grade 9 students with some sage wisdom for succeeding in high school.

Sunday 13 January 2019


You are all going to graduate this year, so I have compiled a list of some of the most common adult tasks you may need to conquer in the coming years, and have provided some links to help you crush adult life!

Lesson 1- Making your Voice Heard

If you would like to vote in the upcoming election, are 18 years old, and a Canadian citizen this post is for you.

1. In order to register to vote, you will need to have a piece of government ID. If you do not have a driver's license, you can get an Alberta Identification Card at a registry agent. For more information, click here:

2. For more information about the election:

3. Start here to find out more about you and the voting process:

Lesson 2- Getting Places

1. City Transit:

2. Getting an Alberta Driver's License:

The process:
Study Guide:
Practice Tests #1-
#3- More practice with AMA-

Lesson 3- Doing your Taxes

The first time you do your taxes, you could try to find a Free Tax Clinic: Use this link to find a clinic near you:

Filing online is pretty easy, and there are many legitimate online sources you can use for help. Make sure to check them out carefully before you enter any personal information! In addition, read very carefully to make sure you don't miss anything. Some examples are services are H&R Block online or Ufile

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